Monday, October 22, 2007

Back To Square One?

It's an hour past midnight and the cranking voice of coffee machine "which surpasses all the ears during the daytime" has become quite audible amidst snoring noises (it is night for few of them who had the job of guarding the frontiers but today once again had succumbed to nature's phenomena) from the lobby, it can be assumed with facts that the rust in the chokes of the engineers masterpiece are more adamant than the chokes in nostrils resulting in formers out performance vs. the latter..

The grey cells of the so called "intellectual outsourcing hub" (…….it’s rupee run dude…..) are eagerly waiting for the Almighty’s (…..they have dollars) door to close and to see what is behind the veil after a long pause of 90days.

The poor soldier (Indian Associate) has not left a single stone unturned as usual to prepare himself for the scheduled battle, filled his bag with requisite artillery, some life savers (like fag's & gums) and a piece of white curtain although not visible ...he is all set to write another convincing story of 'what went wrong' it seems as if he has mastered the art by now........." Once again poor results"

The wait is over and the doors have allowed the kings men to come out with the performance card........... "His men are never late and have maintained consistency like the lost battle........." Who else other than the poor chief of finance can dare to announce that?"

The financial sheets are updated and the wire has been tuned for the king’s call (conference call), VPN is no more a bottleneck and on the top of that this time around the bunker is well equipped with both wire line and wireless transmitters.

The company as usual has reported good numbers (ex-one time) but it's quite obvious from history that one time items have found a permanent place in the performance card. In the last couple of years many business segments entered and exited the performance card but always made sure that their movement doesn't impact the positioning of one-time items – “It would be unfair to blame as none has been an exception to this in Almighty’s land”.

The call is over and king's men had kept their positions intact, the ball has changed it’s direction and has once again reached the doors of those who advocated king’s performance (The Analyst/Commander). Soldier and his commander has no other choice other than tightening up their belts and wait for the immense firing from the other side (Investors are waiting like vultures) ......but they know one thing for sure, they haven't simply wasted their time when hairs were undergoing change they also now quite well know how to pacify those who have turned red when respite didn't show a glimpse after a long pause.
It's morning for the soldier but dark inside commander's bunker (he is an inhabitant of the Almighty’s land) which stops him from approaching further .... he wants the poor soldier to carry on the battle on his own for sometime and also to give him a cover fire which will serve dual purpose –“allow him to recover from the bruises & will also excuse him till dusk leaves space for dawn”.

After all the days work It's dawn now (for commander) and both wire line and wireless had found their way ..................the commanders night and soldiers day have gone in all types of reverse engineering’s (one-time items) and cover fires (if not both one of them was always on the battlefield) to somehow once more save the king's men from losing their place but unfortunately the final decision will once again rest on one question " shall we still save him, fight for him and call him the king or debase him ".

Although the commander and soldier had decided last time around to leave kings men for ever if they don't follow the norms (budget) but commanders ethnicity to its community (consensus) doesn't allow him to surpass the decision taken by its colleagues (street) he has once again succumbed to the social bonding of belongingness or to be rather bold "a sheep always moves in a group .....even if it is the whitest" the commander doesn't have anything of his own to bet although he is the best of his type now he has realized that he has just one tough task left “to pass on the message in a sophisticated manner ” that he belongs to a community which doesn’t allow isolation to the wounded soldier.

The soldier feels betrayed by none else other than his commander,he is again curious and bugged down by questions “why he spent an important part of his life (time) to once again save the kings men” although they agreed not to aid king's men again.

By now he has understood that spending some more time will result nothing more than some more coffee finding its way through his throat so a better choice would be to look at the white curtain which is still “unused” – probably he somewhere deep inside his heart knew that he will need it once again before getting into the dark 3-wheeler while reaching to his bunker (office) the previous night.

But he has realized of late that he needs to leave his commander and find someone who is not fret of isolation .... at least you can move on your own when you know the land is your's…. “provided he finds a master in the greener space”.

"The question which bugs me most is ....why did I spent 24 hours on the street when I could have done it in an hour"

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